2011年4月17日 星期日

100% Lucky Rice, Rich Happiness ㊥【百年好禾】

  小時候,常聽到大人相遇時,打招呼的第一句話就是:呷罷嘜 這透露著人情味的溫暖,也是藉此開啟聊天對話的一種方式。我們每天三餐都需要靠吃來維持活動力,所謂「吃飯皇帝大」,要專心吃飯,不要邊看電視邊講話還邊吃飯,吃飯,就是要細細品嚐每一粒米的美味,還有它帶給我們的飽足。時至今日,雖然全球化的影響,改變飲食習慣,但仍有一群死忠的粉絲,每一餐都要有米飯的支持,才能讓胃得到滿足,還有飽足。

In Taiwan, rice is our staple food, it keeps with us, from child to adults. Although there are many kind’s of food in our life, somebody just like rice only.

When I was in the advertising agency,I ofen had business trips to country. There, I saw farmers walked on the road without shouse just walked in the yard. I like that scenes, because it make me feel more nature. Sometimes they told us this area is one one kind of rice and that area is another. We can’t tell where is different, but I saw passion in their eyes, I just been influenced! Everytime I had had business trips there, I am so happy even if it was work.

Now, we although sometimes eat hamburger, steak or spaghetti, finally, we still like rice the most! Because there are lots of memories about every meal with rice.